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Lightarian™ Clearings Attunements

Lightarian ™ Clearings

Lightarian™ Clearings

Over time, the six Lightarian Clearings initiations gently and completely release negative energy forms...

  • Releases restrictive conditioning that contributes to the physical stress felt.

  • Releases deeply rooted blockages at the emotional and mental levels.

  • Releases limiting belief structures and unresolved spiritual issues from the soul.

  • Releases unfavorable patterns coming from collective, family, cultural, ethnic, religious and other influences.

  • Frees unwanted inscriptions, attachments, patterns of behavior and dependencies, a heavy past and future influences.

Over time, as unfavorable energies are cleared, different kinds of experiences begin to manifest naturally in your life...

  • The highest expression of your Divine Self presents itself in force, as accelerated clearing stimulates healing throughout your subtle bodies and your physical body.

  • You automatically begin to create choices in your daily life that are more and more conscious and less and less based on “automatic” conditioning, dependencies, doubts, fears and pain.

  • Higher vibrational energies can flow more freely through your energy fields, allowing your chakras and subtle bodies to “ground more in the Light.”

  • Your dormant gifts and talents will surface and your ability to create joy, clarity and abundance in your life will increase.

Training and Initiation

You can receive Lightarian Clearings attunements as a master/teacher or as a client.


After receiving the initiation, you will be immediately prepared and authorized to teach your own students and clients. A training manual and certificate will be given to you. You will be registered with the Lightarian Institute.


At each initiation a training manual will be given to you as well as the instructions to prepare you for the initiation.

All Lightarian Clearings attunements can be received in person, by telephone, or remotely, as a master/teacher or client.

Lightarian Clearings is a registered trademark of the Lightarian Institute for Global Human Transformation.

PS. The manuals are provided by the Beyond The Light Center. If you wish to be registered with the Lightarian Institute, you will have to pay an additional $78.00 (plus shipping costs) to purchase the manuals from the official representative of the Lightarian Institute of Canada.

Level 1. Life Path 

Each individual comes into this incarnation with their own “limiting structure,” defining the boundaries and obstacles of their incarnational experience. This “construction” provides the framework for the various life scenarios we need to experience. Within this "construct", we generate an extremely complex intertwined web, in which limiting programming, restrictive belief structures and the negative physical, mental and emotional energies associated with them are stored.

To better understand this “Shadow Web”, imagine that each of us carries a complex tangle of energetic “threads”, originating in the unfavorable programming of the higher chakras. Think of this as a surprisingly complex "biological computer" and imagine how this adverse programming generates these "threads" which then extend vibrationally downward into your lower energy fields. These negative patterns create the inappropriate, restrictive, and debilitating responses in our lives that limit us and prevent us from realizing our true divine potential.

Your Higher Self in collaboration with Ascended Master El Morya initiates the liberation process to clear the intertwined web of our limiting programs, restrictive belief structures as well as the negative physical, mental and emotional energies associated with them.

Master/Teacher: $100.00 CAD

Client: $50.00 CAD

Level 2. Birth Pattern Removal 

When the fetus emerges from the uterus, it carries with it four mini chakras and the germ of the four lower subtle bodies. These etheric energy fields bring into this new life a variety of deeply rooted patterns, which are both "positive" and "negative" in nature. These patterns were acquired primarily from the etheric “imprint” of parents, environmental influences and impacts during pregnancy.

Generally, a period of two days is the time required between birth and the final merging of soul energies for the newborn. This fusion or infusion anchors in the Soul, Great Soul and Higher Self energies for incarnation, establishing the network of chakras and subtle bodies that we call the “Lineage back to Source”.

This infusion of soul energies creates the "hardly reversible" process of establishing human consciousness in the newborn, which already has its own "story" based on the etheric and physical patterns developed in the womb! Over time, energy fields mix and merge and life unfolds.

Unwanted residue from these early life patterns remains in the individual's lower vibrational fields and is released with the clearing work continuing in the background.

Master/Teacher: $75.00 CAD

Client: $40.00 CAD

Level 3. Template Clearing 

The “Etheric Double of the Physical Body” appears as a “direct-image” of the physical structure itself. These etheric and physical energies are direct reflections of each other and, in a sense, they feed into and influence each other.

Adverse etheric impacts can eventually stimulate distortion patterns in the Etheric Double, allowing the physical body to reorganize...thereby producing what we would call tension, weakness, discomfort and of the disease. As clearance of “higher” and “mid-level” unfavorable etheric energies is achieved, patterns of residual “lower” unfavorable energies that are in the Etheric Double become available for clearance. The more complete healing process of the physical body can be initiated when the residue of unfavorable patterns accumulated in the Etheric Double, the "double of the physical body", is effectively removed.

Master/Teacher: $75.00 CAD

Client: $40.00 CAD

Level 4. Attachment Removal 

Various forms of unfavorable energies have been given a variety of names such as bonds, cords, connections, psychic attacks, etheric attachments, implants, etheric devices, etc.

With the general clearing of the fields and the release of these grosser attachments, the first three levels of Lightarian Clearance work have already removed many layers of unfavorable energies, much like the old proverb "onion skins"! After this degree of release has been accomplished, your Higher Self and the Master El Morya take care of the work of "liberating" attachments and can also access deeper levels of energies to be released... a thinner layer, more subtle “attachment energies” often in the form of thin etheric cords. These energies seem to extend from the outer limits of each of our subtle bodies, connecting and attaching themselves to individuals, objects, and external physical and etheric structures and forms with which we have interacted over the years.

Your experience of life will change from being dominated by “unconscious behavior patterns, reactions and addictions”, to being able to make and maintain “fully chosen connections”! As you change and realize yourself out of your "unconscious attachments", you begin to experience being "the choice" in your life. Perhaps to further clarify this point, simply imagine that you are operating in life with a sense of objectivity, accurate assessment, clearer intention, constantly growing, and intentionally "choosing" as you move along of your life path. In this space of “freedom to choose” you will begin to see a shift in your decision making… an ease in making more appropriate choices… choices that seem to magically align you more closely with the energies of your Self Superior. You will discover that life can be happier and more purposeful in your work and play!

The transition from a life of “attachments” to a life of “chosen connections” is one of the fundamental outcomes of the Lightarian Clearance process.

Master/Teacher: $75.00 CAD

Client: $40.00 CAD

Level 5. Lineage Clearing 

Some unwanted energetic conditions are simply the result of misalignment or imbalance between energies that are perfectly fine! So in these cases there is nothing to be eliminated or removed - only the need to realign.

The effects of these misalignments and imbalances on individual well-being can be very complex. In an attempt to have a conscious understanding, we know that these adverse impacts can be described in terms of “negative belief structures”. So, imagine that at levels within your lineage, imbalances are created when one layer of your consciousness maintains a "negative belief" of itself. Perhaps, one layer of the Soul experiences a sense of “I am not lovable!” " or a layer of the Great Soul works with the belief "I have been abandoned by Spirit! ” or perhaps a layer of the Higher Self maintains that “I am not worthy!” » The cumulative effects of these unfavorable subtle belief structures will “color, shade and distort” the experience within your spiritual lineage and create misalignments.

What happens when these misalignments in my lineage are removed? As adjustments take place through the work of clearance, these apparent unfavorable belief energy structures are dissolved. As imbalances are eliminated in this process, a greater sense of alignment between the levels of your Self is realized and your sense of becoming "more One" with Source is accelerated!

Master/Teacher: $75.00 CAD

Client: $40.00 CAD

Level 6. Veil Removal 

By grounding ourselves in this plane and creating our lives here, each of us has a “point of conscious presence” that serves as our “witness” in this plane of experience. Part of you is in “observation” mode watching your life unfold – both etherically and physically.

We find that, metaphorically speaking, this “observer” aspect of you acquires a pair of “rose-colored glasses”! This is what we call the “veil”! A little distortion is present, which represents a "veil" over the witness point - like a contact lens having a little distortion or imbalance, which creates a lack of clarity, which clouds your "view of life" . Through our veil removal technique, we help you eliminate energetic imbalance and this allows you to create a higher level of clarity. This level of Clearance work cleans the “contact lens”!

As the veils are removed, a greater sense of clarity and alignment between all your levels of self are realized and your sense of becoming "more One" with Source is accelerated!

Master/Teacher: $75.00 CAD

Client: $40.00 CAD

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